: BLOG BOOK LABEL CONTACT Three more early 80s Willie Brown treasures Tuesday , Jul 19th , 2011 Categories : 80s Boutiques Tailoring Vintage reproductions Leather wool felt donkey jacket , unlabelled , early 80s . Following their contribution of images of treasured clothes acquired from 80s London boutiques Demob and Modern Classics Salv and Sue Macasil have dug out three more extraordinary garments by the key designer at both shops , Willie these days Will . Brown Tweed dress , Colonial Life , early 80s . Cotton dress , Colonial Life , early 80s . Among them is a green and yellow donkey jacket bought at Jon Baker’s store Axiom . It’s not labelled but is clearly a Willie Brown design in fact I once saw the man himself wearing one , 8221 says . Salv Donkey jacket detail : collar pocket .